Education for Love / RSE
Education For Love
In accordance with the aims and objectives of the College, the Education for Love programme in Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 endeavours to further these values through its curriculum in a partnership of teachers and students and as an extension of the ideal Catholic family.
We aim:
to exist as an extension of the Catholic home;
to develop the “whole person” as a follower of Christ;
to help create individuals committed to the Christian way of life;
to prepare students for adult responsibilities.
To achieve these aims we hope to reach these objectives:
to select suitable teachers sensitive to the ideals and aims of the Catholic Church;
to help students develop a Christian way of life by examining issues related to their development and the responsibilities of adult life;
to help students respect religious and moral values;
to help students develop a high level of self respect and self discipline;
to help students cope with adolescence: its physical and emotional demands;
to help students set goals for the future;
to help students examine issues of moral, social and physical importance;
to help students develop stronger family bonds and coping strategies;
to help students relate to each other and understand their similarities and differences.
At present 12 teachers are involved in EFL, throughout the various years. This is incorporated within the Pastoral Care programme in the College.
Each year is timetabled differently,
Year 8
Pupils have one session per week for approx. 7-10 weeks, twice a year. This is alternated with IT.
Year 9 and 10
Pupils have one session per week for 6 weeks, twice a year.
This is alternated with the tutorial programme.
The tutorial group is divided between two teacher of EFL, timetabled simultaneously. The groups are mixed, boys and girls, with the option, on occasions, of one large mixed group or single sex groups, depending on the wishes of the teacher and the needs of the group at the time.
All Year 8, 9 and 10 classes have EFL. A range of topics are covered throughout the three years, each year having a set syllabus, though variation is possible depending on the needs of the group or if the teacher feels it is appropriate to cover a topic not on the syllabus.
The smaller group setting should lead to a more informal type of class where the pupils feel at ease to discuss the topics covered. Discussion, active learning procedures and group interaction are all encouraged in covering this work. Continuous review of the material is carried out. The sessions are developmental and cover physical, emotional, social, moral and spiritual development over the years.
LIFE ISSUES is an extension of the E.F.L. Programme in Year 13. It covers issues of interest and concern to this age level and is also done on an eight week modular basis either single sex or mixed, depending on Teacher/Student choice.