Staying Safe Online
Please see our eSafety and Digital Technology policy for more information. (Policies Link)
How To Report a Problem
Parents should note that the class Tutor (Pastoral Team Link) is the first point of contact if they have any queries or concerns about their child.
If something happens that upsets a student, then they should tell any adult that they trust!
If there are concerns that a child is, or has been, the subject of inappropriate sexual contact or approach by another person, it’s vital that you report it to the police via the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (
Information for Parents
As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online.
You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online.
Have a conversation
It is really important to chat with your children on an ongoing basis about staying safe online.
Not sure where to begin? These conversation starter suggestions can help.
Ask your children to tell you about the sites they like to visit and what they enjoy doing online.
Ask them about how they stay safe online. What tips do they have for you, and where did they learn them? What is OK and not OK to share?
Ask them if they know where to go for help, where to find the safety advice, privacy settings and how to report or block on the services they use.
Encourage them to help someone! Perhaps they can show you how to do something better online or they might have a friend who would benefit from their help and support.
Think about how you each use the internet. What more could you do to use the internet together? Are there activities that you could enjoy as a family?
What are the issues?
The internet – on the whole an inspiring and positive place
The internet is an amazing resource which enables children and young people to connect, communicate and be creative in a number of different ways, on a range of devices.
However, the internet is always changing, and being able to keep up to date with your children’s use of technology can be a challenge.
You may sometimes feel that your children have better technical skills than you do, however children and young people still need advice and protection when it comes to managing their lives online.
Issues that your child may encounter on the internet will vary depending on their age and online activities. We have grouped potential online risks into these 4 categories:
Conduct: children may be at risk because of their own behaviour, for example, by sharing too much information
Content: age-inappropriate or unreliable content can be available to children
Contact: children can be contacted by bullies or people who groom or seek to abuse them
Commercialism: young people can be unaware of hidden costs and advertising in apps, games and websites
If you want to explore key internet issues in more detail, including cyberbullying, pornography, sexting and more, then see Childnet's Hot Topics.
Also read more on the UK Safer Internet Website here:
Information for Students
The internet is a brilliant place to connect with others, to be creative and to discover new things.
Here you will find films, games, quizzes and advice to help you to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively.
Top tips for 11-19s
Protect your online reputation: use the services provided to manage your digital footprints and ‘think before you post.’ Content posted online can last forever and could be shared publicly by anyone.
Know where to find help: understand how to report to service providers and use blocking and deleting tools. If something happens that upsets you online, it’s never too late to tell someone.
Don’t give in to pressure: if you lose your inhibitions you've lost control; once you’ve pressed send you can’t take it back.
Respect the law: use reliable services and know how to legally access the music, film and TV you want.
Acknowledge your sources: use trustworthy content and remember to give credit when using others’ work/ideas.
Remember – if something happens that upsets you online, tell an adult that you trust!
Find out more information here:
Easy to follow, practical steps for children and parents to achieve a healthy and balanced digital diet: