On Saturday 25th November 2017 at the High Court in Belfast, a team of 15 students from Our Lady & St Patrick’s College, Knock were victorious in the Bar Mock Trial Competition. The competition is run by the Citizenship Foundation in partnership with the Bar of Northern Ireland and involves teams of students between the ages of 15-18 from across Northern Ireland. The students take on the roles of barristers, witnesses, court clerk, usher and jurors. They practise the skills of prosecution and defence in two ‘mock’, though true-to-life cases in a live courtroom setting. This year, the cases involved charges of theft, fraud by false representation and grievous bodily harm. The students completely embraced the roles they took on, were thoroughly prepared and acquitted themselves with great confidence and poise in each round of the competition. They faced worthy opponents in Banbridge Academy in the final, but came through as the more convincing team. They now go forward to the national stage of the competition to be held in Cardiff on 24th March. Huge thanks must go to our Barrister Mentors, past pupils of the College, Mr Niall Hunt QC and Ms Sophie Laverty BL. Their advice, guidance and encouragement in preparing for the competition was invaluable. We couldn’t have done it without them!