This year the school is once again taking part in Northern Ireland’s shared education project and my tutor group, 96, were chosen to take part in the project. On Thursday the 28th of September we left the school to take part in our first shared education workshop and on the way we picked up students from Lagan College. We arrived in Grosvenor with a warm welcome. We then sat down in the hall and watched a video called ‘Famous failures’. The video consisted of famous people who had been told that they were never going to achieve anything, but they persevered through it. The purpose of the video was to teach us about resilience: that if something or someone knocks us down we come back stronger. After that we played a game of people bingo, we got a sheet with facts on it and we went around asking people if the fact was true for them. Eg I have two brothers- if someone had two brothers they signed your page and you had to do that for all the facts. We were then put into groups of 6 and we did a quiz. There were four categories to the quiz music, geography, cartoon characters and logos. The quiz winners were placed and we excitedly got on the bus for a bus tour of Belfast. On the bus tour we learnt about the division in Northern Ireland and the manufacturing businesses that were created in Belfast. We also got a picture outside Stormont of all three schools together. We drove back to school after a very enjoyable day.