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Year 10 Options Day

Friday 10th February 2023 (9.00 am – 12.00 noon)

Short presentations will start at 9.00 am and will be followed by meetings, mostly in classrooms, with subject teachers and Careers staff, from about 9.30 am. It is a non-uniform day for students.

Choosing GCSE courses involves the first major set of career decisions that our Year 10 students will have to make since leaving primary school. It is important that each student makes the ‘right’ choice, one that suits their interests, abilities and career aspirations. Because study of each course at GCSE level requires more time than in Junior School, it is inevitable that some subjects will have to be dropped. However, seek advice before dropping any subjects in case you drop a subject that is vital to your career aspirations.

It is strongly recommended that students choose a Science and a Modern Language course.

To help students choose the most appropriate combination of courses, each student:

  • will be interviewed by a Careers teacher;

  • will discuss and research GCSE courses in their weekly Employability classes and in many of their subject classes.

  • should read relevant sections of the Year 10 Options Booklet, which will soon be available on the College website.

If time permits, parents may also take the opportunity to check on their son or daughter's progress in subjects that will be compulsory at GCSE, namely English, Mathematics and Religious Studies.

We hope that all Year 10 students and their parents will be able to attend the Day. It would be useful if students brought with them their Year 9 Summer Reports and the results of any Year 10 assessments.

Best wishes

Paul McCormick

Vice Principal



Our Lady and St Patrick's College, Knock

120 Gilnahirk Road


BT5 7DL 

N Ireland


T: 028 9040 1184


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