During the last two weeks before the Summer term, many of our Yr8 pupils carried out an Independent Learning Project where they researched, developed and presented an Assembly service aimed at our new Yr8 pupils using a power point presentation.
They were asked to reflect on their first year here in OLSPCK, write a reflection, prayer, hymn, story and story, drawing it all together as an assembly. It was hoped they would enjoy this activity and realise how important their assembly will be to the Year 8 pupils starting in September. Their Induction experience would be very different to theirs because of the social distancing restrictions. They wouldn’t be able to assemble in the same way.
Our hope is to send these to the Yr8 year group in September as an assembly, and more importantly as a way of helping them get to know us and our school, feel welcome and feel they belong. We were interested in getting work we could be proud of sharing with the new Yr8's.
Please have a look at some of the Assemblies our Yr 8 pupils produced. We are very proud of their effort. Some of them include video and voice recording. They are clearly a very talented, faithful group of young people.